Prof. Dr. Cengiz Eriş Bariatric Surgery
My decision to have surgery dates back a year. I met with many doctors and teams, but when I met Cengiz Eriş and Ramazan Acıyan, I made my decision. The important thing for them was that they reflected the warmth of the family. I had no doubt that I could trust them during this difficult process. I made my appointment on August 5, 2019 and we were in constant communication until then. Endless thanks to Ramazan Acıyan, who put up with every verse, did not say Sunday evening and took care of me. Everyone showed excellent attention. I am very happy that I made this decision. After finding the right people, I recommend you to take this decision with your eyes closed. Endless thanks to everyone for their friendliness, clean hospital and family warmth. Thank you very much to my teacher Cengiz for making my most beautiful dreams come true.