Cookies and other tracking Technologies

used by

Cookies & IP Addresses

FYD Clinic records statistical data and uses Cookies to improve site performance for all of its visitors.
Cookies are text files with small pieces of text file that are used to identify your computer as you use a computer network. Specific cookies known as HTTP cookies are used to identify specific users and improve your web browsing experience.
We may send one or more cookies which may be stored by your browser on your computer. The information we obtain from cookies is part of the Collected Information. Our advertisers and service providers may also send you cookies.
If you choose to refuse the cookies, most browsers allow you to do so. For example, in Google Chrome you can refuse all cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Internet Options”, “Privacy”, and selecting “Block all cookies” using the sliding selector.) This will, however, have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites, including
To improve our services and our website, we may retain third party service providers to operate this site and help us monitor, collect and analyze information regarding your interactions with this website and the data you input, including the use of such providers’ cookies on your computer.

Statistical data:

FYD Clinic site logs certain statistical data such as; IP address, the type of operating systems used and browser types used. This statistical data is not connected to personal information and so user information is anonymous.

What are cookies?

A cookie allows websites to remember you and helps many of the features of the website to work better. We use cookies to help our website load faster and to make it easier for users to reach their previous data. These small packets of information are stored on your computer by your browser. Cookies help us learn about how people interact with our site and so we can make improvements based on the information.

What kind of Cookies FYD Clinic use?

Our site uses two kinds of Cookies; our own and Cookies from third parties. We use Cookies to operate and personalize the website. They help us to track page views and conversion and also return visits from users over a two-years period.

What third-party services do we use?

‘Third parties’ are approved partner websites and those cookies can be used for things like measurement and reporting but may be also used to track your interests and to retarget you with advertising on other websites.
The third-party cookies that we are using are as follows,

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is used to track general visitor interactions such as page views and conversion. We also use it for demographic and interest reporting and to understand our audience.
To learn more about Google's data policy please check here:
Google provides a tool to allow you to prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics. Click here to download it.

Meta Cookies:

Meta cookie is used for advertising features such as audiences, conversions, targeting and optimisation as well as Facebook Analytics data.
To learn more about Meta’s data policy please check here:

How long do cookies last?

Cookies generally have a lifespan and after that period they expire. Some expire as soon as you log off and some last for weeks or longer. Cookies on our site are renewed when you visit or log in and usually expire after 7 to 30 days of inactivity. Cookies that we use to personalize the experience for returning visitors may have a lifespan of up to two years.

Switching off cookies:

Most web browsers automatically accept Cookies. Your browser should tell you how to turn off the automatic acceptance of Cookies if you look through the settings options. This will almost certainly create issues when using the FYD Clinic site. Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse all Cookies, our system will issue Cookies when you visit our site.